Azure Storage

Microsoft's cloud storage solution

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Azure Storage

The Azure Storage platform is Microsoft's cloud storage solution. Azure Storage offers available, scalable, durable, and secure storage in the cloud.

Azure Storage includes Azure Blobs, Data Lake Storage, Azure Queues and Azure Tables. 

The cost of a Storage Account depends on usage and options selected.

Creating a Storage Account

In a new Resource Group

Unique storage account name

Selecting the Cool access tier

No network address restrictions 

Storage account can contain blobs, containers (folders) and (smb) file shares.

Microsoft-managed keys

No tags are defined

Review a summary

Deployment in progress

Define a budget

10 dollars per month

Create alerts

Create a new file share

Name the file share

'shared' file share has been created

Click connect to generate a script

Select platform (macOS) and click "Show Script"

Run the script

Create folders in the Share

Copy files to the folders

Remote Volume