Power Apps (Part 22)

Microsoft Dataverse Advanced Reports Setup

Microsoft Dataverse Advanced Reports

The Visual Studio shell used to create Reporting Services reports has been released under various names, including SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).

I downloaded the Disk Image File

I opened the Disk Image File and ran SSDTSetup

I selected the SQL Server Reporting Services checkbox and clicked the Next button

I agreed to the license terms

Visual Studio 2015 Shell was installed

Setup was successful

I clicked the New Project... link

I selected the Project Server Report option

I right clicked on the Reports folder and selected the Add New Report menu item

I clicked the Next button

Microsoft Dynamics was not shown as a data source type

I installed the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Report Authoring Extension

I accepted the license agreement

I installed Microsoft Application Error Reporting

I clicked the Next button

I clicked the Next button

I clicked the Next button

I clicked the Finish button

I right clicked on the Reports folder and selected the Add New Report menu item (again)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 FetchXML was the default data source type
I entered my https://XXX.crm.dynamics.com URL into the Connection string box and clicked the Next button