DevOps Starter Azure DevOps

Everything you need for developing, deploying, and monitoring your application.

DevOps Starter Azure DevOps

DevOps Starter makes it easy to get started on Azure using either GitHub actions or Azure DevOps

Click "here" to switch between GitHub actions and Azure DevOps

Select Azure DevOps and Node

Select Express

Select Web App for Containers or Windows Web App

Web App on Windows can be used with Pricing tier "F1 Free"

Azure resources have been deployed

Continuous integration and Continuous delivery pipeline has completed

Click Clone to edit code

Open Visual Studio Code

Make update... add an extra description line.

Push changes to Azure git

New commit was successful

Pipeline is running

Pipeline has completed

Updated code has been deployed to production

View or edit pipeline

Node.js tool installer View YAML

Agent job 1 View YAML

Agent job 1
