DevOps Starter GitHub actions

Everything you need for developing, deploying, and monitoring your application.

DevOps Starter GitHub actions

DevOps Starter makes it easy to get started on Azure using either GitHub actions or Azure DevOps

Select "DevOps Starter" in Azure Portal

Create a Node app

Select Express

Select Web App for Containers or Windows Web App (free $)

Enter GitHub credentials

Select pricing tier "F1 Free"

Deployment to Azure in progress

GitHub Actions workflow runs Unit Tests

If Unit Tests pass deploy Node app to Azure

Once deployed to Azure run Functional Tests (Selenium)

GitHub Actions workflow complete

Summary of Azure resources

Navigate to production URL


To add Factorial API... Open with GitHub Desktop

Clone repository

Open in Visual Studio Code


Run the updated app locally

$ cd Application

$ npm install haddley-factorial-cc
$ npm install haddley-factorial-js

$ npm install
$ npm run start

Updated code returns factorial of 9

Run the unit tests locally

$ cd ../Tests
$ npm install
$ gulp unittest

Updated Unit Tests

Run the functional tests locally

$ xattr -d chromedriver

$ npm run start&
$ cd ../Tests
$ gulp functionaltest --webAppUrl http://localhost:3000/

Functional tests

Push updates to GitHub... origin master

GitHub Actions workflow runs again

Factorial API running in production
