Kubernetes (container engine) by Google, Inc. is licensed under CC
Docker Desktop includes Kubernetes.
Enter these commands to deploy the haddley/blog container image:
$ kubectl create deployment blog --image=haddley/blog --replicas=2
$ kubectl expose deployment blog --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080 --target-port=80
Or create a file called blog.yaml and enter this command:
$ kubectl apply -f .\blog.yaml
Adjust the Kubernetes cluster by editing the yaml file below and "applying" the yaml file again.
Access one of the blog web servers by navigating to:
http://<ip address of the computer running Docker Desktop>:8080
Using the "kubectl create deployment" and "kubectl expose deployment" commands
Using the "kubectl apply" command to apply a yaml file
The Docker image running in two Kubernetes pods.
Accessing the cluster using port 8080