Machine Learning (Part 2)

Low hanging fruit

What apps can be written quickly?

In her YouTube video Dale Markowitz explains why some machine learning powered applications can be built quickly and why others can not.

Dale explains that machine learning applications can be built quickly and easily if you can reuse a pre-trained model created by someone else.

Dale demonstrates how she created a natural language translation application and a computer vision object tracking application using existing models. 


TensorFlow.js is an open source machine learning library that can run anywhere JavaScript can. TensorFlow.js is based upon the original TensorFlow library written in Python. created a project that demonstrates how a YOLO Tiny model can be reused in a TensorFlow.js app (running in a browser).

Emoji scavenger hunt 

The emoji scavenger hunt is a fun browser-based game built using TensorFlow.js (works best on smart mobile phones).