Next.js (Part 3)

API routes and next-auth

Get Request

API routes let you create an API endpoint inside a Next.js app.

To create an API endpoint inside a Next.js app add a file (or folder) to the /pages/api directory

articles.js and /pages/api/articles/index.js

Get Request

Dynamic API routes

API routes can be dynamic, just like regular Next.js pages


Dynamic API Route

Unprotected pages

User login is not required to access all of the pages.


Unprotected page


next-auth can be used to prevent unauthorized access to protected api methods and protected pages.

$npm install next-auth

GitHub Id and GitHub Secret

Here I used GitHub as an authentication provider.

GitHub Developer Settings

Register a new OAuth application

Note the Client ID and Client Secret


Maintain the Client ID and Client Secret values in an .env file



Add a [...nextauth] api method



Add a 'next-auth/client' Provider to _app.js



Add code to prevent unauthorized access

Ensure that a valid session exists before returning articles or article details (using a REST API call or a web page request)

/pages/api/articles/index.js (updated)

/api/articles is now protected

/pages/api/articles/[id].js (updated)

/api/articles/4 is now protected


page /protected is now protected (server-side)


page /protected is now protected (client-side)

Adding login and logout to home page

Adding "Sign In" and "Sign Out" to home page.


Sign in

Sign in with GitHub provider

Signed in




next-auth database (optional)

Specifying a database is optional if you don't need to persist user data or support email sign in. If you don't specify a database then JSON Web Tokens will be enabled for session storage and used to store session data.

To specify a database update the [...nextauth].js file (and a few environment variables).




session (with user id and provider)
