NGRX entity

Managing record collections


I extended my haddley-ngrx project to include support for posts.

I used json-server to create a simple api

% npm i json-server

npm i json-server

Github co-pilot suggested an addition to the scripts section of package.json

I created a db.json in the project's root folder

I started the server by running npm run server

I used chrome to request details of all posts.

Accessing the server

ng generate service services/post

ng test

providedIn: 'root' (no need to add service to app.module.ts)

co-pilot suggests creating a post.model file (why not?)

co-pilot suggests that we include a body field (why not?)

co-pilot suggests that we include a deletePost method (why not)


imports HttpClientModule

Testing a service

Initially I wrote tests that called the running json-server.

Executed 6 of 6 success


Karma results in a web page

The json-server shows the POST, DELETE and GET requests

Mock the HTTP client

I installed jasmine-auto-spies.

% npm i --include=dev jasmine-auto-spies

I updated the tests to use the mock.

npm i --include=dev jasmine-auto-spies

Executed 6 of 6 success


Karma results in a web page

NGRX Entity

Entity provides an API to manipulate and query entity collections.

Reduces boilerplate for creating reducers that manage a collection of models.
Provides performant CRUD operations for managing entity collections.
Extensible type-safe adapters for selecting entity information.


Load Posts Success

Load Posts Failure (service not running)
