NGRX devtools

Troubleshooting NGRX applications


I updated the version of @angular and @ngrx using in the haddley-ngrx project

% npm i

% ng update

% ng update @angular/cli
% ng update @ngrx/store

I added support for NGRX devtools using "ng add"

% ng add @ngrx/store-devtools@latest

I added the corresponding chrome extension from

setup instructions

ng update @angular/cli

ng update @angular/core 
ng update @ngrx/store

ng add @ngrx/store-devtools@latest

chrome devtools extension

reviewing store state and actions

clicking the dice to roll

clicking (pin) to focus on dice/value

replaying actions and reviewing dice/value updates

Using Jump to navigate to an action

Using Jump to navigate to review previous state corresponding with an older action


Actions can be dispatched using the Chrome addin


    type: '[Dice] Roll'

