Prompt flow (Part 4)



Once you have multiple plugins, you then need a way for your AI agent to use them together to solve a user’s need. This is where planning comes in.

I selected the existing .venv environment

I created a selectedService variable

I created an ask variable (the goal)

I created a kernel

I added summarize, writer, text and shakespeare plugins

I created a Sequential Planner
I asked the planner to create a plan based on my ask (goal)

I printed out the planning steps
I invoked the plan and printed the result (a short poem in the style of Shakespeare translated to French and converted to all upper case)

I updated the ask (goal)

I added the fun plugin

I printed out the updated plan's steps

I invoked the plan and reviewed the result

I created a kernel

I created an (stub) Email plugin

I added the Email plugin
I added the Math and Time plugins

I used the planner to answer three questions
