Prompt flow (Part 5)

With LangChain

Quick start

I used Prompt flow and LangChain to create and deploy an AI application.

I used the Prompt Flow extension to create a Chat flow

I accepted the default flow name

I clicked the Open menu item

I selected the + Create Virtual Environment... menu item

I selected the Venv option

I selected the Python version 3.12.4

I selected the generated requirements.txt file

I (briefly) selected the Global environment

I selected the .venv environment again

The "Can not find a valid python package" error was fixed
I selected an exiting connection and the gpt-3.5-turbo large language model

I tried to test the flow

An error message showed that the "promptflow-tools" package was required

I added promptflow-tools to the requirements.txt file and ran pip install.

I tested the flow asking who the Democratic Nominee for Present was. The large language model was unable to provide an up-to-date answer

I added a new node

I selected Python

I accepted the generated name

I asked for a new file

I added more packages to the requirements.txt file

I set the Python node's inputs

I set the outputs's input

I removed the chat node

I tested the updated flow

The flow was able to provide an up-to-date response

The flow could have used the Duck Duck Go search "tool"

The flow could have used the Wikipedia "tool"

I selected the Build as docker menu item

I created a DOCKER folder

I clicked on the Create Dockerfile link

I navigated into the DOCKER directory and used docker build to create a docker image

I used Docker Desktop to create a container based on the new Docker image 
I specified a local port 8080 and an OpenAI key

The Docker container started

I was able to access the container using port 8080
