Sails (Part 2)

Sails and the Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB

Articles api

% sails generate api articles

generate api articles

Blueprint API

Once the articles api has been created I can use the Blueprint API to create article items.

On the laptop I navigate to http://localhost:1337/articles.



Push to GitHub

The new code is published to after it is pushed to the GitHub repository.

Push to GitHub

GitHub action in progress

GitHub action completed

Creating and Destroying items

Once the articles model update has been published to Azure I can use the Blueprint API to create and to remove (destroy) article items.

I navigate to




Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB

In the screenshots above I have been using local disk storage and the sails-disk adapter.

Below I update the application to use the Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB.


updated connections.js

updated model


Data Explorer

Push changes to GitHub

GitHub action in progress connected to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB