% sails generate api articles
generate api articles
Once the articles api has been created I can use the Blueprint API to create article items.
On the laptop I navigate to http://localhost:1337/articles.
The new code is published to https://haddley-sails.azurewebsites.net after it is pushed to the GitHub repository.
Push to GitHub
GitHub action in progress
GitHub action completed
Once the articles model update has been published to Azure I can use the Blueprint API to create and to remove (destroy) article items.
I navigate to https://haddley-sails.azurewebsites.net/articles.
In the screenshots above I have been using local disk storage and the sails-disk adapter.
Below I update the application to use the Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB.
updated connections.js
updated model
Data Explorer
Push changes to GitHub
GitHub action in progress
https://haddley-sails.azurewebsites.net/articles connected to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB