Java Spring Boot (Part 1)

Spring based Java Applications that you can "just run".

Spring Tool Suite

Spring Tool Suite is an Integrated Development Environment based on Eclipse.


Maven is a build and dependency management tool for Java.

The pom.xml file is used to maintain a list of modules that the Spring application depends on.

Module jar files are downloaded from a managed repository.

Creating a REST project using Spring Boot

Open Spring Tool Suite
Create new Spring Starter Project
Add Book class
Add BooksRestController
Run as Spring Boot App
Test using Browser

Create new Spring Starter Project

Enter the project name and package details

The REST API project depends on "Spring Web"

Add a new class

Add class "Book"

Add class "BooksRestController"


The @RestController annotation is used to mark the BooksRestController class as a Spring Framework RestController.

Add @RestController annotation to BooksRestController class
Use CTRL+Space to import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController 

Add "books" ArrayList to the BooksRestController

Books REST Controller

The @GetMapping annotation is used to mark the book and books methods as HTTP Get method handlers.

The completed BooksRestController code is shown below.

Run as Spring Boot App




React client

Static files can be added to the /src/main/resources/static folder of the Spring Boot project.

The static files can be image files, html files and javascript files.

The static files can be a React app that calls the REST API exposed by the (same) Spring Boot project.

Static files


Running the React/Spring Boot app
