Next.js (Part 5)

next-pwa and ionic


next-pwa adds Progressive Web Application (PWA) features to Nextjs

shadowwalker provides examples apps based on next-pwa 

A Nextjs project that includes the ionic web components can be created by running the command:

% npx create-next-app --example with-ionic-typescript --use-npm haddley-nextjs-ionic-pwa

The steps below demonstrate how next-pwa can be added to a with-ionic-typescript project

example with-ionic-typescript

npm run build copies the svg folder to public

update next.config.js to include next-pwa (remove the svg copy)


update gitignore so that generated files are ignored


add an offline page


add a manifest.json file (so that app can be installed)


include the icons referenced in the manifest.json

include a Nextjs _document.js file that includes a reference to the manifest.json file


I needed to remove (unneeded) files from the svg folder...

npm run build

Create Azure Web App

provide a name

select a node version

select a pricing tier


iPhone Simulator

Accessing using Safari

Add to Home Screen

Confirm application details

Application on Home Screen

Application running with an Internet connection

Internet connection disabled

Application running offline

Accessing using Chrome on a MacBook

Installing application on MacBook

Running application online or offline on MackBook